Our Low-Density Polyethylene Geomembranes were developed according to the GRI GM-17 recommendations to suit the most diverse needs of your work. They are manufactured with selected raw material to guarantee quality and resistance, while displaying greater elongation and flexibility, which guarantee better accommodation to the application surface and greater adaptation to handling situations, such as waterproofing of soft soils and coverings oembankments or ponds.
The lower density presented by TechGeo LLDPE brings as differential a reduction in the energy required for welding the Geomembrane and generates less expansion during the installation service, both of these factors that facilitate its application.
- High density
- Greater Elongation
- Greater Flexibility
- Complies with GRI GM-17
We guarantee the best quality concerning our products, with high standards of national and international certification.

TechGround is certified with the ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 2015 standard, which confirms the company is investing in the pursuit of quality excellence and continuous improvement.

As a guarantee to our customers of all our care in the manufacturing process, Tech Ground has obtained the GAI – LAP (Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute –Laboratory Accreditation Program) Certificate. This certification assures our customers that our laboratory has the appropriate equipment and qualification for conducting tests according to the most stringent technical parameters. We are among the 100 laboratories in the WORLD that have this certificate.